CardioNerds (Amit Goyal and Daniel Ambinder) join Dr. Gina Lundberg (Associate Professor of Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine, Clinical Director of the Emory Women's Heart Center, and Chair Elect for the ACC WIC Section) and Dr. Zarina Sharalaya (interventional cardiology fellow at CCF, CardioNerds Narratives FIT Council Member) for a Narratives in Cardiology episode. Dr. Lundberg highlights the disparities that exists with representation of women in cardiology and cardiology subspecialties, and how to navigate the challenges that exist for women in cardiology. Dr. Lundberg takes us through her career journey and gives several pearls for fellows-in-training regarding achieving career goals, networking, mentorship, and the use of social media to further your career. Special message from Dr. Annabelle Volgman. Audio editing and episode introduction by Gurleen Kaur.

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“Improving the work environment for women is going to be really important for job retention and for encouraging more women to go into EP, interventional cardiology, and heart failure...”

“One of the words of wisdom I say to a lot of early career women is slow down. You don't have to drink the whole thing in your first 10 years. You can just slowly ease into it- there's a time and a place for everything, a season for everything.”

“So start building your network. Build your ‘otter raft’ and by otter, I mean that group of people, men or women who really support you and lift you up, who might recommend you for a position or a lecture that might share opportunities with you”

Show notes

What are some strategies to improve female representation in cardiology?

Practicing cardiologists, both men and women, need to mentor and sponsor trainees to attract more female into the field.Improving the work environment is key to retention of women in cardiology (allowing for more flexibility to meet needs such as child-care etc.).We need to build the pipleline to start recruiting females early on, even in high school.

2. What are some strategies to network as a fellow-in-training?

Start building your network early - attend ACC and AHA meetings. The ACC Legislative Conference is great because it’s a bit smaller and allows for more opportunities to meet leaders in the ACC.Share your story with other people (example your old high school or sorority/fraternity) as an opportunity to mentor and inspire others.Build your “otter raft”… that group of people who really support you and lift you up, who might recommend you for a position or a lecture that might share opportunities with you.

3. What is the role or value of social media for professional development?

Social medial democratizes the landscape, giving everyone a voice regardless of level of training, background, or beliefs.It is invaluable for connecting and networking, on a global scale.It empowers individuals to share – be it powerful stories, their thoughts, and of course education.We of course need to be responsible with protecting our patient’s privacy, be discerning consumers, and be professional in our interactions.

CardioNerds Narratives in Cardiology

The CardioNerds Narratives in Cardiology series features cardiovascular faculty representing diverse backgrounds, subspecialties, career stages, and career paths. Discussing why these faculty chose careers in cardiology and their passion for their work are essential components to inspiring interest in the field.

Each talk will feature a cardiology faculty from an underrepresented group, within at least one of several domains: gender, race,

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