I’ve got Megan Daisy with me today. She is a wedding, baby, and family photographer based in Berkshire who, 7 weeks ago, gave birth to baby Rose. Megan joins me today to discuss her motherhood journey, how she has dealt with her finances during maternity leave, and how having her own baby has changed her relationship with her clients.

When she found out she was pregnant, Megan was excited and shocked. Then, she began to feel the pressure. What would she do about her clients? Once she reached 12 weeks, she let her clients know and felt a weight had been lifted. It’s always difficult feeling like you might be letting people down if you have to cancel their shoot or organize for an associate to take over, but don’t feel guilty! You deserve and need to take maternity leave, and your clients will understand.

With lockdown, it has obviously changed when Megan will be going back to work. Originally, she would be going back to work in April/May. However, she is now planning to go back in July to do weddings. Until then, she will be doing family and baby shoots beginning in April part-time. Now that she has had her own baby, Megan feels more connected and more confident at the prospect of going back to work.

If you are expecting, make sure to put some money away leading up to your leave to top up whatever maternity pay you are eligible for. If you are self-employed, make sure to find out how to apply and what you are entitled to. Don’t put unnecessary stress on yourself.


Find out more about Megan:

Website: https://www.megandaisyphotography.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandaisyphotography/


Connect with Suzi:

Website: https://www.suzibirdeducation.co.uk

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suzibirdphoto/?hl=en

Suzi’s Photography Studio: https://sunlightportraitstudio.co.uk/