Today I am joined by Rebecca Carpenter, a wedding photographer based in Kent who travels all over the world to take pictures of people in love. 5 weeks ago, Rebecca gave birth to a baby girl. She is here to talk about her experiences running a business whilst pregnant and as a new mother.

Rebecca’s newborn baby Winter, also known as Winnie, was born in a little bit of a whirlwind. Unbeknownst to Rebecca, while she was giving birth, she had COVID.

On her due date her husband received a positive COVID test result, meaning he couldn’t be with her if she went into labour. Ten days later, while in labour, Rebecca received the news that she had also tested positive.

It wasn’t just her labour that was difficult. The journey to conceiving was also a rocky one and Rebecca still had to show up whilst running her business. It was one of the hardest things she has ever had to go through as a woman. Whilst trying to conceive she found out she had polycystic ovary syndrome and every step with their fertility treatment was taking forever. Eventually it took its toll on Rebecca and she had to step away from doing maternity sessions.

One of the most difficult steps Rebecca took was sharing with her community that she wouldn’t be doing maternity sessions for a while. When she did put it out there and explained that it was because she was going through her own infertility struggles, the outpouring of support she received was overwhelming. If you are going through your own struggles, lean on your community and remember that you are not alone.


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