“A lot of people focus on just being on page one… but you also have to rank for the right phrases”

—  Per Andreasen

Want to take your SEO to OMG?

My guest Per Andreasen used his mad SEO skills to rank in the TOP 5 on Google search for fitness copywriters.

Per is an expert in using SEO to attract the right audience and gain legit exposure. This is a subject I knew nothing about before sitting down to chat with him, and let me tell you — this interview is an eyeopener!

If you want to drive more targeted traffic to your website, SEO is the way to go. It’s the practice of taking into account what people search for when you’re writing copy and coming up with your marketing strategy.

By upleveling your SEO, you can actually move your webpages up in Google search rankings, making it easier for your best-fit customers to find you (you won’t reach many of them if you don’t show up in the first five pages of results).

There are a few things you have to think about when coming up with your strategy: what keywords do your ideal clients use when searching for services similar to yours? Which keywords perform the best? How many of them should you use in your copy?

And, importantly, how do you niche down and position yourself as a leader in your space? 

Yes, SEO seems intimidating and technical, but Per breaks it down into easily digestible bites. This episode is perfect for both SEO beginners and those looking to upgrade their skills.

Hit play and find a new way to work! You’ll learn:

>  How to use meta descriptions to convert people from seeing your search result to visiting your site

>  How to refresh + upgrade your older content to attract new readers

>  Tools + software you can use to upgrade your SEO more easily

Subscribe now and never miss a single episode!

About Per Andreasen

Per Andreasen ranks top 5 in the Google search for fitness copywriters. After working out for a decade, he fell deeply in love with no-nonsense businesses in the fitness industry — his dream clients. 

Highlights:‌ ‌

01:32  Meet Per Andreasen

‌06:00  SEO: what and why 

‌08:26  DIY or not?

‌09:19  Definitions

‌10:26  What your audience wants to know

‌12:30  Meta descriptions + titles

‌15:50  SEO Spider

‌17:50  Refresh old content

‌22:32  Writing tools

‌25:50  The Christy Questions

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Screaming Frog


SEM Rush





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