Today's episode is a little different...

When I started sharing that I was working with someone to heal some of the hormonal and metabolic issues I'd been struggling with (and my results) I got a lot of questions about what I was doing, how it worked, and why.

So, I thought, what better way to address all the questions than to dedicate an entire podcast episode to the subject? And of course, I had to interview the woman who's helping to change my life and my health!

As it turned out, we had so much to talk about, I ended up dedicating TWO entire podcast 
episodes to the subject!

Last week's episode was all about Meghann's own incredible 'behind the business' story of healing from food and exercise addiction, recovering from a traumatic brain injury that ended her career, and how she became a health coach.

If you haven't listened to Part One, seriously - go back! It's an unbelievable journey she's been on!

In today's episode (Part Two) we're talking about how my life has changed since I cut out sugar and switched to a high-fat, low-carb diet.

I'm sharing my personal experience, what it's like to work with Meghann and complete her program, and of course, my results (so far.)  

We also dive into some common FAQs around keto and specific questions people asked me on Instagram, like:

✓ What the ketogenic lifestyle is and isn’t — and who can get the most benefits from a low-carb, high-fat diet
✓ What it means to deal with Leaky Gut Syndrome, what it can lead to, and how to treat it
✓ The huge role that mindset and accountability play in successfully reaching your health goals

Subscribe now and never miss a single episode!

About Meghann Hempel: Meghann Hempel is a certified health coach and personal trainer who specializes in low-carb, high-fat nutrition and the ketogenic lifestyle. She firmly believes that we have the ability to heal ourselves through food, wellness, and lifestyle changes.

Highlights:‌ ‌

00:32  Intro

02:03  Benefits & results

03:57  Why does it work?

06:26  Leaky gut syndrome

09:01  Biggest ketogenic misconceptions

13:00  Sticking with it & results

19:09  Will you miss foods?

23:47  Accountability & mindset

31:04  The Christy Questions

34:50   ‌Challenging clients

39:46  Find Meghann

Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review!







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