“I’m 100% here for anything that makes life easier.”

—  Christy Cegelski

I’m switching gears just a little bit for this episode of Captivate + Convert…

… and I’m actually super excited about it!

Allow me to welcome you to my very first Q+A episode!

I put out the call for questions a little while ago via Instagram and my private Facebook group, and let me tell you — you all did NOT disappoint!

In this episode, I tackle a variety of questions.

Are you curious about how to optimize CTAs on your website to boost your conversions?

Have you ever wondered whether your online course is better suited to a launch or an evergreen funnel?

Are you interested in creating one of those nifty little podcast audio snippet videos… but aren’t sure how the heck to make one?

Do you ever wish you knew the secret recipe to promoting your opt-in and getting your landing page in front of your best audience?

Hit play and find a new way to work! 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

The best CTAs to include on your website — and how to optimize themWhat you need to think about before committing to evergreen funnels   How to become BFFs with outsourcing — you can thank me later!

Subscribe now and never miss a single episode!

Highlights:‌ ‌

01:15  Something new!01:48  Should your course be evergreen or live?03:40  How do you make audiograms?04:37  Competition or elevation?06:41  What are the best website CTAs?08:06  What do digital launches look like?09:09  Overcoming challenges11:39  How do I best promote my opt-in?13:21  Should I outsource?15:40  How should I write my website copy?18:27  ‌Find me

Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review!








Are you tired of spending time hustling in your DMs and Facebook groups every month in the hopes of finding your next client? What if you had potential clients coming to you on the regular? I created a FREE GUIDE to show you how to build a community of people who know, like, and trust you and CAN’T WAIT to click the Buy Button on your next offer. Download it now!