Stoner Capricorn the sun is out, and your camera should be too! Ahead of you are many long, hazy days you must fill with lasting happy memories. Your adventures will know no limit, other than what you are able to imagine and execute. Think big and dig in. The world is your garden this month. … Continue reading Capricorn Stoner Horoscope June 2019 →

Stoner Capricorn the sun is out, and your camera should be too! Ahead of you are many long, hazy days you must fill with lasting happy memories. Your adventures will know no limit, other than what you are able to imagine and execute. Think big and dig in. The world is your garden this month. Sow kindness and positivity early in the season. What grows will nurture and sustain you, and your cannabis companions, far through the summer months. Whether you like to plan your endo-excursions in advance, or light one up and let the mystery unfold as you go, stay active and stay outdoors. The summer should be spent sharing bowls of good greens with your best buds trekking through the great unknown discovering new smoke spots.

Be forewarned stoner Capricorn: This month gets off to a rocky start in the business sphere, and familial relations may encounter similar strife. Do not hold back or put off resolving these issues in real time. This may mean you put in extra effort to keep the emails and the to-dos from piling up. The work realm in June will likely bring new business endeavors, and possibly new business partners. Set specific times to meet early with your economic cohorts to make sure everyone is on the same level. While visions of how best to pursue passion projects will be different, all efforts will likely lead to a positive culmination. Differing opinions may seem annoying and problematic at first, but diversity will be beneficial in the long run. In the end you will have more tools in the chest to tackle a greater variety of problems.

Toke time with the sacred herb to contemplate this truism: Communication is a two way street. While there will be tensions early on, how long they last will be up to you. Listening and hearing is just as important as speaking and explaining. A good way to establish a give-and-take balance is by invoking the puff, puff, pass approach. Communing with cannabis creates a situation where all parties will have specific time to toke, and also time to talk.

Single and coupled stoner Capricorns are all but guaranteed passionate moments in the first summer month. Just don’t let the blissful haze of a hot heart obscure responsible decision making. Empathy and sincere emotion are wonderful attributes, but you want to be certain of your feelings before making any substantial commitments. Whether by yourself, or with your future cannabis companion, take time to meditate with the sacred herb before you take the leap. Think on it and toke on it, stoner Capricorn, and then you can trust wherever your heart may take you.