Previous Episode: Capricorn April 2018
Next Episode: Capricorn June 2018

Stoner Capricorn you are entering a wonderful time period. May has all the promise of a blooming flower. The moon will take a prominent position of allyship for your sign. A wonderful turn of events from the usual planetary predicaments of the moon.. From the Full Moon of April 29th, to the Flower Moon of … Continue reading Capricorn May 2018 →

Stoner Capricorn you are entering a wonderful time period. May has all the promise of a blooming flower. The moon will take a prominent position of allyship for your sign. A wonderful turn of events from the usual planetary predicaments of the moon.. From the Full Moon of April 29th, to the Flower Moon of May 29th you will feel a warm cosmic breeze at your back.

Use the sacred herb as a catalyst this month stoner Capricorn. Find the adventure in life and self improvement. The unusual support from the moon will not be a lucky rabbit’s foot or a golden ticket. You can take advantage of this cosmic opportunity through positive effort and attention. Make sure your cannabis tool kit is filled with light and airy Sativa strains. Now is not the time for couch-lock contemplation, but instead active participation.

Opportunity is the key term for May. We create our own opportunities. You now have unexpected universal support for all of your desires and plans. But you must make a plan stoner Capricorn. Meditative smoke sessions should focus on what it is you truly want. Journal your deep thoughts or create a to-do list. NOW, take steps to forward your mission. Perhaps you want to forward your involvement in charity or politics. Maybe there is an outdoor or educational adventure you have passed on in the past. NOW is the time to set yourself up for internal success. Give it a try and get going.

On the personal front, drama can be expected within your smoke circle. It will be crucial for you to recognize this is not your responsibility. People and things will work out on their own without the need for your stressful involvement. Don’t get cornered to choose sides. Calm waters are the best to swim in; and you should be a vigorous swimmer in May stoner Capricorn.