Previous Episode: Capricorn February 2018
Next Episode: Capricorn April 2018

Stoner Capricorn you must be ready to transform in March. Shed that larva like body and spread your beautiful wings. There will be many opportunities to float around like a social butterfly in March. Not every encounter will result in a lifelong cannabis companion, but each person has merit and something to contribute. Avoid a … Continue reading Capricorn March 2018 →

Stoner Capricorn you must be ready to transform in March. Shed that larva like body and spread your beautiful wings. There will be many opportunities to float around like a social butterfly in March. Not every encounter will result in a lifelong cannabis companion, but each person has merit and something to contribute. Avoid a deep cloudy haze of overindulgence with the sacred herb. Keep your head and mood light. Each person in the smoke circle of life deserves an honest holistic interaction with you, and you will also benefit from being able to fully take in what each person has to offer.

March will be a month of action, but it is all up to you. Now is the time to execute that business idea you have. Stewart Smalley created a wonderful mantra, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me.” Repeating this mantra during your meditative smoke sessions will help you navigate the busy social scene you will encounter. Confidence and love stoner Capricorn, not just for yourself, but others. Developing your own business, no matter what stage you are in, relies heavily on confidence. You must trust and believe in yourself stoner Capricorn. March is the time to progress and build that entrepreneurial project. Perhaps this new network of cannabis companions will assist you in your efforts.

Whether you are a single stoner Capricorn, or in a committed relationship, there will be enhanced opportunities in March to relate and communicate with your fellow terrestrial astronauts. Partners in chronic will add a welcome and fresh perspective. Cannabuddies will offer insight to solve problems and enhance sticky situations. Be confident in your judgement, but some obstacles will require a little help from your smoke circle. Puff puff pass the joint, and listen to your cannabis companion’s point.