Previous Episode: Capricorn June 2018
Next Episode: Capricorn August 2018

Stoner Capricorn the second summer month is sure to bring positivity to your personal sphere. Cosmic support will bring you more in tune with your fellow terrestrial astronauts. All things are possible in July from smoke circle expansion to the excitement of love. The Moon is usually against your sign in the cosmic grand scheme … Continue reading Capricorn July 2018 →

Stoner Capricorn the second summer month is sure to bring positivity to your personal sphere. Cosmic support will bring you more in tune with your fellow terrestrial astronauts. All things are possible in July from smoke circle expansion to the excitement of love.

The Moon is usually against your sign in the cosmic grand scheme of things. However, in July there is a counter insurgency that will place the Moon in a positive position. The New Moon on the 13th of July will be a bright marker in the middle of the month. Meditative smoke sessions before the New Moon should focus on love and positivity; not only for others stoner Capricorn, but for yourself in particular. How can new friends and new loves find the best in you if you don’t see it yourself? Keep your sacred herb light and airy. A nice Sativa strain should do the job perfectly. Certainly avoid the potential lethargy of couch lock. This New Moon should bring in a period of new cannabis companions, new love, and a new passion for life.

The current cosmic configuration will also support altruistic endeavors. Volunteerism and charitable passion projects can be a door to meeting like-minded cannabis companions. There is an infectious positive mood that will come from a smoke circle focused on helping others. Puff-puff-pass the positivity stoner Capricorn.

The work sphere will not be affected by the positivity of the Moon’s counter position. But that’s ok. It’s important this month to focus on yourself in the workplace. How long has it been since you have truly assessed your economic options? Fly with the sacred herb and soar high above your position on the terrestrial plane. Seek ways to improve your skill within the workforce. This exercise will have positive impact for the future, whether it be continued education or learning a new job skill,. The most important action in the workplace for July is to avoid office politics. By focusing on yourself, you can leave the water cooler drama to others. With so much activity and positivity in your personal sphere, the gears of the economic grind should all function smoothly in July.