Previous Episode: Capricorn December Horoscope
Next Episode: Capricorn February 2019

Stoner Capricorn do you feel the excitement in the air as the strong cosmic winds start to gust? These winds of change will fill your sails and send you flying ahead to your goals this January! Be forewarned, you must balance yourself to attain these dreams. Both confidence and emotional stability are required to make … Continue reading Capricorn January 2019 →

Stoner Capricorn do you feel the excitement in the air as the strong cosmic winds start to gust? These winds of change will fill your sails and send you flying ahead to your goals this January! Be forewarned, you must balance yourself to attain these dreams. Both confidence and emotional stability are required to make the seeds of dreams become flowers of reality.

Though your comfort zone might be scaling the peaks of life, this month calls for the stoner Capricorn to take a deep, personal, meditative dive. Explore the depths of yourself with the assistance of the sacred herb. You are in search of your true direction. Progress cannot be made without direction; therefore, this must happen before you can step in full stride towards progress.

Stoner Capricorn the universe works in mysterious ways, as you’re likely all too familiar with. As such, you may receive an unexpected financial bonus this month. The ‘why’ doesn’t matter quite as much as the ‘how’; and the ‘how’ is your spirit in the matter. Your outlook and attitude matters in moments of triumph equally to moments of complication. Victories big or small should be celebrated, just as losses should be contemplated. If you find yourself capable, there’s an entire smoke circle that would be eternally grateful for your generosity of spirit. And don’t forget, everything always comes around full circle!

In the stoner Capricorn’s personal sphere, the theme of the month most definitely applies. The progress you seek doesn’t stop at business or finance alone! This is a wonderful time to heal old wounds, or tear down old walls. These obstacles you have created now hinder rather than help, obscuring your true form from the world. The universe gives us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it. All you have to do is accept it, and put in the leg work. Ah, but remember the meditative smoke session. Personal balance and true internal intentions must be known before the stoner Capricorn can ride that cosmic current toward progress.