“Africa for Africans” – The unofficial Pan-African slogan that echoes the hallways of most Pan-Africans’ corridors across the world. The truth is that not all black people believe this slogan or its objective to suggest a “back to Africa” notion. However, what is the truth about Pan-Africanism from the prospective of those who believe, support, and advocate the concept.

Pan-Africanism is a worldwide movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all indigenous and diaspora ethnic groups of African descent.

Pan-Africanism is also seen as the idea that peoples of African descent have common interests and should be unified. This notion begs several questions regarding Caribbeanism, and Jamaicanism, which will be answered by my guest, Mr. Dave Wright. He is a Jamaican Pan-Africanist who had started his own organization to further the cause of Pan-Africanism. #panafricanism #Africa #blackculture

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