Listen and learn how to chit chat and chastise someone in Canto and Mando about falling asleep behind the wheel, like so:

A: Why haven’t you gone to sleep yet? Don't forget you're working the first shift tomorrow.
B: It's not that I don't want to sleep; it’s just that this k-drama is so addictive--the moment you finish one episode, you just gotta keep on going and watch the next.
A: Seriously? You already have sleep apnea, yet you still wanna add k-drama binging into the mix? If you don’t get enough shuteye, you’ll fall asleep behind the wheel again.
B: I was only asleep at the wheel for a brief moment, and besides, I only drifted a little over to the next lane.
A: Really--that's your excuse to binge drama through the night; what a waste it is talking to you.
B: Alright already, I'll go to sleep now--happy?
A: That's more like it, g’nite.
©2019 Emeline Mann Sanchez

The soundtrack is “Slow Motion City,” by The Flux Project, licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, at: