Lesli Downs started experiencing headaches at the tender age of 8.  By the time she was 16 those headaches had progressed to full-fledged migraines, and she was officially diagnosed after she blacked out in the bathroom at school.  Her migraines frequently required her to get Demerol shots, which would knock her out for 3 days.  Once after a bad flair up the cocktail of drugs her doctors gave her put her in a coma for 8 hours.  As she aged her headaches got progressively worse, but after her son was born the pain went through the roof.  She found herself in a cycle of being prescribed more and more drugs as her health declined and her body became dependent upon the opioids she was taking.  In 2016 she decided enough was enough and opted to use cannabis to treat her pain and wean herself off the opioids she'd been taking for untold years.  With the help of cannabis, she's been able to keep her headaches in check and completely rid her life of pharmaceutical drugs.

Full show notes can be found at www.cannabishealsme.com/89

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