In her earlier life Kim lived a wild and rowdy life as a party girl, and though she had a methamphetamine addiction she never really cared for cannabis.  When she gave her life to Christ she turned her life around and became a tee-totaler.  But even after making tremendous life changes she still struggled with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and depression.  She had thought once she cleaned her life up, everything would get better for her, so she was very discouraged to still be dealing with these issues.  She turned to mental health professionals who prescribed her a slew of prescription drugs.  At one point she was on 5 psychotropic medications, yet she was still miserable.

In 2017 a close friend recommended she try CBD oil/cannabis.   She decided she'd had enough with taking the traditional route and that something had to change in her life or she was going to lose her husband and her family.  Cannabis helped tame the raging beast inside of Kim and has helped her adapt a more healthy lifestyle over all.

Full show notes can be found at