In this episode of Canicross Conversations, the spotlight is on a crucial topic that many dog owners face: understanding and supporting anxious and reactive dogs. The episode features Sarah, the founder of the "Dogs in Yellow" initiative, who shares insights into her work and the importance of raising awareness for dogs that need a little extra space.

Sarah's journey began with her own dog, Bella, who displayed signs of anxiety and reactivity when interacting with other dogs and people. Recognizing the need for a way to communicate Bella's needs to others, Sarah came up with the idea of using a yellow ribbon or bandana as a signal that a dog requires space. As she explains: "The yellow ribbon or bandana is a universal symbol that signifies a dog needs some space or is anxious. It's a simple yet effective way to communicate without words." This initiative has gained momentum, with more dog owners embracing the concept and using it to advocate for their pets.

Challenges Faced by Anxious and Reactive Dogs

Anxious and reactive dogs face numerous challenges in their daily lives, from feeling overwhelmed in busy environments to struggling with social interactions. Sarah emphasizes the importance of understanding these challenges. By raising awareness and promoting empathy towards anxious and reactive dogs, we can create a more inclusive and understanding community for both dogs and their owners.

Yellow Space Zones: A Safe Haven for Dogs

One innovative solution that Sarah has introduced is the concept of "yellow space zones" at dog shows and events. These designated areas provide a calm and safe space for dogs and their owners to relax and recharge, away from the hustle and bustle of the event. Sarah shares her excitement about this new initiative, saying, "The idea is really exciting. It gives people a little bit of confidence to go out and try attending a dog show, knowing that there's a yellow space zone where their dog can feel safe and comfortable."

The Importance of Mental Stimulation for Dogs

Beyond physical exercise, dogs also benefit greatly from mental stimulation. Sarah highlights the importance of engaging dogs in activities that challenge their minds and keep them entertained, such as canicross and enrichment games. She shares, "Our dogs are bright, intelligent creatures. Canicross is a great activity that provides both physical and mental stimulation for them." By incorporating these activities into their daily routines, we can help reduce anxiety and improve the overall well-being of our furry friends.

The Future of the Dogs in Yellow Initiative

Looking ahead, Sarah hopes to see the Dogs in Yellow initiative gain even more support from trainers, behaviourists, and dog owners alike. She expresses her desire to see the yellow ribbon incorporated into training classes and socialization activities, stating, "The more you see it, the more you want it. That's how I feel. It would be really good to see the yellow involved in classes and things like that a lot more." By continuing to raise awareness and promote the yellow ribbon symbol, we can create a safer and more understanding environment for all dogs.

Understanding and supporting anxious and reactive dogs is crucial for creating a harmonious and inclusive community of dog owners. Through initiatives like Dogs in Yellow and the introduction of yellow space zones, Sarah is paving the way for a more empathetic and understanding approach to dog ownership. By raising awareness, promoting mental stimulation, and advocating for the needs of anxious and reactive dogs, we can all play a part in creating a safer and happier environment for our furry friends. So, let's embrace the yellow ribbon symbol, show our support, and make a difference in the lives of anxious and reactive dogs everywhere.

Where to Find More Information

If you're interested in learning more about Sarah's work with the Dogs in Yellow initiative or want to follow her journey, you can visit her website at or follow her on Instagram and Facebook at MyAnxiousDog.