Kate Mellor didn't have a dog when she decided she would love to try canicross; she saw it on a TV programme and decided it looked so much fun, so set the wheels in motion to adopt her collie lab cross Flash.

Collecting Flash just 2 hours before national lockdown came into effect in 2020 meant that Flash's puppy training and socialisation looked quite different to most puppies, but knowing that the duo were aiming to do canicross once he was fully grown, Kate had the time and the patience to carefully train him in all the canicross commands.

Now, two years later, the team love to race together, and can't imagine life without canicross.


What kit do the team use?

Non Stop Freemotion Harness
Dogfit waist belt / Non Stop Canix belt
Non Stop canicross line


You can follow Kate and Flash on Instagram


Image by James Kirby