In this week's episode, Louise and Michelle speak with Dan Floyd, for our Canicross Stories segment. As regular listeners know, we've been doing this series for a while to highlight unique experiences from our Canicross community.

Dan is an especially interesting guest because he does a lot of running by himself and with his dog Mylo, but not always in the typical canicross style. For example, he still participates in parkruns with Mylo on a handheld lead, which sparked an intriguing discussion since parkrun's recent rules changes. It's rare we get to talk to guests who still do parkruns with their dogs, so hearing Dan's perspective was enlightening.

Dan began his road running journey approximately nine years ago, with an initial 10k time of around 55 minutes, but since then, has achieved a 32-minute 10k and a 2.36 marathon with aspirations of going sub 2.30 for the marathon. 

Dan hasn't always had a dog, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, when he was doing a lot of walking, he welcomed Mylo into his home. Right from the start, he recognized his new companion's potential as a running partner. Now they are completing parkrun together, with Mylo on a handheld lead as parkrun rules state, in under 17 minutes. They are also running longer distance together, covering about 60 miles per week.

Dan is a strong advocate for diversifying training routines, which includes sometimes running Mylo off lead, and varying the types of terrain they traverse.

Remarkably, despite what appears to be a natural talent for running, they have never participated in an official canicross race, but we chat to Dan about accessing these over just one day instead of a full weekend. We also chat about Dan's goals to set up a canicross group locally, in Lichfield.

For those interested in following Dan and Mylo's running adventures, you can find them on Instagram under the handles @Mylo_in_Lichfield and @Floydieruns