Annah Taylor Phinny is a Priestess of Avalon, author, and psycho-spiritual healer whose mission is to support the remembrance of the divine feminine in all beings. Her forthcoming book titled “Lady of the Lake, Rise: Breast Cancer as a Path to Wholeness Through the Eyes of a Priestess of Avalon” is poised for release in 2022. Please follow her on Instagram @avalon.calling and read more at

Annah shares with Cheryl about the way she reframed surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy so she could receive them as sacred medicine.

If you’re an interested publisher, please contact Annah’s literary agent Faye Atchison at [email protected]

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CancerTalks is an inter-dependent community project with a production team of three and we count on your contributions. We’d like to thank Vivica Taylor for her contribution. If you've learned from or been inspired by these conversations please consider joining Vivica and becoming a donor. To support us starting at $5 a month, or to make a larger tax-deductible contribution, visit

Annah's Reading List:

The Cancer Revolution by Leigh Erin Connealy MD Spiritual Bypassing by Robert Augustus Masters PhD Loyalty to Your Soul by H. Ronald Hulnick Ph.D., Mary R. Hulnick PhD Breasts: the Owner's Manual: Every Woman's Guide to Reducing Cancer Risk, Making Treatment Choices, and Optimizing Outcomes by Dr. Kristi Funk The Book of Lymph: Self Care Practices to Enhance Immunity, Health, and Beauty by Lisa Levitt Gainsley Living Foods for Optimum Health: A Highly Effective Program to Remove Toxins and Restore Your Body to Vibrant Health by Brian Clement and Theresa DiGeronimo Food is Medicine volumes 1-3, by Brian R Clement Ph.D., NMD, LN,  Farmacy Kitchen Cookbook: Plant-based Recipes for a Conscious Way of Life by Camilla al-Fayed Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estes The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley Crossing to Avalon: A Woman's Midlife Quest for the Sacred Feminine by Jean Shinoda Bolen Mary Magdalene Revealed by Meggan Watterson Anything by my teacher Kathy Jones available at,  The Podcast "Breast Cancer Conqueror" hosted by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers aka Dr. V.