Our guest Ian Becke started his career as a family physician. He went on to co-found Hospice of the Verde Valley in Arizona, and served as the director of Group Health Hospice Kitsap County in Washington State.

Claire chats with Ian about the history of hospice and the need for holistic cancer care, even (or especially) when the cancer isn’t curable.

Ian was born in Sydney, Australia in 1948 and migrated to the United States with his wife Bonnie in 1973, where they have resided ever since. In 2020, he was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme. 

He has three boys and five grandchildren and he speaks with us today from his home in western Washington.

Ian's Reading List: 

Being Mortal by Atul Gawande, MD.

On Death and Dying and The Five Stages of Grief by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross