Victorianne Russell Walton is a two-time Breast Cancer Survivor. She is a CEO, a Breast Cancer Advocate, a Motivational Speaker, Radio Host, Lifestyle Coach, Chronic Disease Instructor, and Oncology Patient Navigator Trainer.

03:15: I know my body; I knew that there was a problem.05:24: The oncologist that I was seeing, on my third request, he told me to stop calling.07:00: When he relayed the message that I was interrupting his golf game, I was furious.09:07: Do you believe your physical doctor or your spiritual doctor?11:33: They put these pins in you, so they know where the tumor is.13:14: My fingernails fell off, my toenails fell off, my mouth turned black, my teeth cracked.15:21: What was your worst moment?16:19: What was your best moment?18:00: Not only was it back, but it mutated to triple-negative.20:45: Everybody has a journey, and everyone's journey is different.22:04: I listened to those messages and they remind me of who I am.24:16: And I said, sir, you'll kill me before I kill you.26:40: When they took him to the emergency room, the doctors discovered the cancer.28:23: She said, oh my gosh, you didn't die.32:14: I'm still here for a reason.36:33: And the next day it's like, okay, what can I do? Who needs my help?38:15: What is the one thing you wish you had known at the beginning of your cancer journey?40:26: What is one thing you would do to improve health care in the US, what would it be and why?43:25: Thriver Rapid Fire Questions44:00: Aside from Cancer U, what is one resource that you would recommend for cancer patients and caregivers?


Call Vicki at 301-442-5105