Previous Episode: Cancer August 2018
Next Episode: Cancer October 2018

Stoner Cancer the sun is at your back and the stars are on your side this September! Plan to make some serious magic happen. Whatever you wish to accomplish, you will have all the tools necessary to make it a reality. Under no circumstance does this mean you should settle for playing a passive role … Continue reading Cancer September 2018 →

Stoner Cancer the sun is at your back and the stars are on your side this September! Plan to make some serious magic happen. Whatever you wish to accomplish, you will have all the tools necessary to make it a reality. Under no circumstance does this mean you should settle for playing a passive role in your adventure. Just because things are going your way, does not mean you should leave things up to chance. Be ready to grind hard, because the return on investment this month will be more than worth it.

Pay special attention to your inner-workings stoner Cancer. You will benefit this month from many meditative smoke sessions. Whether these are solo voyages, or a full-on smoke circle with the closest partners-in-chronic, let the sacred herb help you release your creative side. While some see cannabis as an escape, you know it can be a grounding force. So, smoke-on stoner Cancer and center those chakras.

The workplace will be the most dynamic sphere in the first fall month. Perhaps it is finally time you branch out on your own to become the master of your own domain! If self-employment is not an achievable prospect at this time, then take time to assess what comes next. Whether or not you are ready to make a move, you should be preparing yourself to act when the opportunity for advancement presents itself.

The personal sphere will require your attention stoner Cancer. With summer coming to a close, and fall quickly approaching, now is the perfect time to gather the crew and hit the road. Get back into the green! This is meant both literally and figuratively. What better place to burn some good bud than out adventuring on the terrestrial plane. Whether it is a weekend getaway to the beach or week long escape far into the forest, get back to nature and remember how deep those roots grow.