Previous Episode: Cancer April 2016
Next Episode: Cancer June 2016

Stoner Cancer’s Checklist for May of 2016: _ Full Supply of Indica/Sativa hybrid _ Supportive Friends _ Ego in check These three things are exactly what you need to have a blissful May my stoner Cancer.  In both love and work you will have a good amount of time to enjoy your endeavours.  This does … Continue reading Cancer May 2016 →

Stoner Cancer’s Checklist for May of 2016:

_ Full Supply of Indica/Sativa hybrid

_ Supportive Friends

_ Ego in check

These three things are exactly what you need to have a blissful May my stoner Cancer.  In both love and work you will have a good amount of time to enjoy your endeavours.  This does not mean you can slack off in either part of your life, it simply means you can enjoy it!  Keep your pipe close by and have fun with all that the month of May offers.

In your love life keep your heart as open as possible.  If you are in a lovership, your partner needs you this month and you should not take anything personally.  (Keep your ego checked at the door.)  Be kind and help them unwind with a nice sesh where you can help them hash out the situation and you will be highly rewarded.  The single Crabs will need to lean on, not just the sacred herb, but your friends this month as well.  That close circle of friends is what will propel you into a better view of yourself.  Thus, readying you for that new someone who is about to enter your world very soon.

A blissful working world is all yours!  It can only be undone by not paying attention.  Learn as much as you can about your personal position, the company in which you work, and your co-workers.  This knowledge will help you greatly if anyone tries to sweep the rug out from under you.  Idle hands are the devil’s playground or so the saying goes.  Keep busy and yes my stoner Cancer this working month will be like a nice ride in the dabbiest of clouds.