Previous Episode: Cancer January 2016
Next Episode: Cancer March 2016

Without light, stoner Cancer, there can be no shadows.  You cannot hide in the dark just to blend in.  As February begins you will have to curtail the urge to stand back and do nothing with your current situations.  Fire up those Sativa trees to get your perspective in check and your gears grinding. Work … Continue reading Cancer February 2016 →

Without light, stoner Cancer, there can be no shadows.  You cannot hide in the dark just to blend in.  As February begins you will have to curtail the urge to stand back and do nothing with your current situations.  Fire up those Sativa trees to get your perspective in check and your gears grinding.

Work is where you are going to have to put in some effort.  Do not give up on your projects!  There is a solution.  You’ll just have to fail a few times.  Once you do, you will see the whole picture and be able to accomplish it properly.  Remember failure is not loosing.  Each failure is a step toward success.  Hit the bat when frustrations arise and keep at it.  You will succeed!  Do not lose heart. Just do what you do best!

How is your will-power this month?  The cosmos have aligned to allow you to “see” others clearly.  It may sound like a gift and it very well can be if utilized properly.  What you must remember Stoner Cancer:  We all have faults, even you.  Before you open your mouth; remember just how short you fall in some areas of your life.  Do not purposely gouge those you love no matter how correct your sight is on a matter.  Keep calm, dab on and remember that kindness will win every time.