Previous Episode: Cancer November 2015
Next Episode: Cancer January 2016

Decisions, decisions, decisions!  Yes stoner Cancer making decisions is what you will be up to this December.  Not to fret, as each possibility will peak your interest.  You will need to stay busy and keep a nice hybrid in your pipe this month; as the harder you work the more positivity will flow to you. … Continue reading Cancer December 2015 →

Decisions, decisions, decisions!  Yes stoner Cancer making decisions is what you will be up to this December.  Not to fret, as each possibility will peak your interest.  You will need to stay busy and keep a nice hybrid in your pipe this month; as the harder you work the more positivity will flow to you.

In your personal realm things should be calm and relaxed as if everyone around you dipped into the medibles.  You’ll find that if you are attached things go ever so smoothly this month.  For the single stoner Crab take your time and get to know new people.  Starting a new relationship is not in the stars for you at this time, but it will come soon.  Every stoner Cancer should take some breathing space for themselves at every opportunity they can.  November was a tricky month and you need to recover before the New Year!  If you have not made your NYE plans I suggest you do something out of the ordinary to bring in 2016 with a cheer!

Treat the beginning of this working month with kid gloves.  Be efficient in your daily tasks and go home and relax with the sacred herb.  As your energy builds this month you will see the decision making process creep up on you.  Do your best to wait for all possible offers before jumping into anything.  You may take on more than one, but be sure to only take on what you can finish.  Overloading your plate will not necessarily fill your pipe in the end.  All your work this December will pay off big in 2016.