Many patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) have a high symptom burden, poor prognosis, and adherence challenges due to treatment-related adverse events, stigmatization, and emotional distress. Multidisciplinary care coordination and timely diagnosis are critical to achieve positive health outcomes for this patient population. Nurses play an important role in the direct care of patients. CANCER BUZZ spoke to Robin Atkins, RN, Symptom Management Triage Nurse, Virginia Oncology Associates in Gloucester, VA. Listen as we discuss nursing’s role in the care of patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC).


“What the patient experience means to them is what the nurse should be listening for, just hearing a list of side effects, hearing a list of concerns, doesn’t really translate into patient-centered care because the nurse becomes very task oriented. Rather, we need to interpret that for the patient in a way that they understand what the interventions mean to them.”


Robin Atkins, RN

Symptom Management Triage Nurse

Virginia Oncology Associates

Gloucester, VA



Cancer Support Community

Go2 for Lung Cancer


Lung Cancer Research Foundation