Mary B. Battaglia has been practicing clinical hypnosis for 10 years, working with clients to address many different issues like anxiety and stress. She’s supported people with different medical issues, including brain, breast, lung, prostate, and skin cancers. Additionally, Battaglia was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia in 2021 and has used medical hypnosis to as a complimentary therapy. 

 By guiding people through hypnosis, Battaglia helps them let go of thoughts by entering the subconscious where their memories and imagination are. Learn how an individual can hold on to traumas, pain, or emotions from their past, as well as how these emotions can all be released via medical hypnosis, therefore, helping in the healing process.


Mary B. Battaglia

Certified Clinical Hypnosis and Sound Practitioner, Speaker, and Author


·       Medical Hypnosis: Where Cancer & Hypnotherapy Meet

·       Mind, Body, and Spirit: How Robust Integrative and Complementary Services Can Bring an Entire Cancer Program Together

·       A Pandemic’s Silver Lining: Building a Collaborative Integrative Therapy Program

·       Integrating Yoga Therapy into Oncology Care

·       Safe Essential Oil Practice in Cancer Centers

·       This Lyrical Life: Music Therapy in Oncology


This podcast is part of a special series with ACCC's Oncology Issues journal. For a deeper dive into this content, read Battaglia’s article.