Oral cancer therapies for breast cancer offer many benefits such as convenience and effectiveness, but also can add financial burden. CANCER BUZZ spoke to Aimee Hoch, LSW, MSW, Oncology Financial Navigator at Grandview Health in Sellersville, PA. Hear as our expert discusses how and when to screen patients, and then connect them to available resources to better support patients’ financial needs. This is the final episode of a four-part series.

“We like to focus on the cost of medication first, then zero in on the whole picture, such as what are the other out of pocket costs or copays.” –Aimee Hoch, LSW, MSW

Aimee Hoch, LSW, MSW 

Oncology Financial Navigator

Grandview Health

Sellersville, PA


Addressing Challenges in Oral Therapies for HR+, HER2- Breast Cancer

Evolving Standards of Care for Advanced HER2+ Breast Cancer

Financial Advocacy Playbook

Metastatic Breast Cancer Project

Patient Assistance & Reimbursement Guide Overview

Resource Library for HR+, HER- Breast Cancer