While social determinants of health can impact access to care and treatment options for many patients with cancer, when combined with the complexities of acute myeloid leukemia, these factors become critical to treatment outcomes and quality of life for patients. In this episode, CANCER BUZZ speaks with Linda Hayward, patient financial advocate at the University of Maryland, Kaufman Cancer Center at Upper Chesapeake Health, about the challenges of treatment and strategies to address disparities in access and care for patients with acute myeloid leukemia.

“When patients are financially underserved [this] plays a major factor in a patient getting treatment…if we [financial advocates] were not here to help our patients, many would forgo treatments.” –Linda Hayward, Patient Financial Advocate

“Patient financial advocates can help patients navigate different resources……if we [financial advocates] were not here to help our patients, many would forgo treatments.” –Linda Hayward, Patient Financial Advocate



Linda Hayward

Patient Financial Advocate

University of Maryland, Kaufman Cancer Center at Upper Chesapeake Health

Bel Air, Maryland


This episode was developed as a part of the ACCC education program Addressing Disparities in Access to Care for Acute Myeloid Leukemia, designed to explores the current challenges in care coordination and therapy options for patients with acute myeloid leukemia and highlights strategies and best practices to improve outcomes for these patients. This episode was made possible with support by AbbVie.


Additional Reading/Sources

·       Strategies to Addressing Disparities in Patients with AML [Video Podcast]

·       Improving Care Delivery for Transplant-Ineligible Patients with AML

·       ACCC Financial Advocacy Service Guidelines

·       AML Care Coordination in the Community Setting [Video Podcast]

·       Critical Conversation Strategies for Patients with AML [Video Podcast]

·       Shared Decision-making in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

·       Achieving and Maintaining Better Outcomes for Patients with AML

·       Talking about Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Cancer Support Community)

·       Shared Decision-making: Practical Implementation for the Oncology Team (ACCC)