Isolation is a common concern among caregivers. Studies show that 40% to 70% of family caregivers experience clinical symptoms of depression. The lack of social interaction and stimulation from individuals other than their care recipient, especially when cognitive impairment is present, can be an undeniable trigger for loneliness. Addressing isolation is critical and any way that caregivers can connect with peers, professional support, and friend/colleague support networks is a priority.


CANCER BUZZ spoke to Allison Applebaum, PhD, Psychologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, NY. Listen as Dr. Applebaum discusses combatting the feeling of isolation among caregivers.


“…Inevitably all caregivers will experience isolation.”


“Many caregivers have it together, they’re on top of everything. They are organized, they are experts at this, but they are falling apart inside. You aren’t going to know if you don’t ask.”


Allison Applebaum, PhD


Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

New York City, NY



American Cancer Society

Cancer Support Community

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

National Alliance for Caregiving


This project is supported by EMD Serono.