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Canary Cry News Talk #610 - 04.07.2023 - Recorded Live to Tape REVELATION QUEEN | Rapture 2233, Trans Inhumanism, Enki Nephilim A Podcast that Deconstructs Mainstream Media News from a Biblical Worldview We Operate Value 4 Value: http://CanaryCry.Support Submit Articles: http://CanaryCry.Report Join Supply Drop: Join the Tee Shirt Council: Resource: Index of MSM Ownership ( Resource: Aliens Demons Doc (feat. Dr. Heiser, Unseen Realm) All the links: http://CanaryCry.Party   This Episode was Produced By: Executive Producers Morgan E***   Producers Benjamin S, Malik W, Tami C, Isaac G, Kelly P, Jacob B, Jordan S, Kalub G, Sir Morv Knight of the Burning Chariots, Sylvan H, Sir LX Protocol V2 Knight of the Berrean Protocol, Dame Gail Canary Whisperer and Lady of X’s and O’s, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, Veronica D, DrWhoDunDat, Sir Scott Knight of Truth   CanaryCry.ART Submissions Sir Dove Knight of Rusbeltia Faelivrin   Microfiction Runksmash - Mike gets more excited learning about the Canarium, but it’s nothing compared to when a mech suit descends from the sky and out steps a samurai, his children, and a mechanical man piloted by a robot arm driven by a smaller robot arm with googly eyes.   Stephen S - US Space Force press briefing, “We suspect we have spotted a probable parent craft in the solar system that might possibly launch  scout crafts which would most likely be too small to identify from our on ground sensors. Hence we need star fighters.”   CLIP PRODUCER Emsworth, FaeLivrin, Joelms, Laura   TIMESTAPERS Jade Bouncerson, Christine C, Pocojo   SOCIAL MEDIA DOERS Dame MissG of the OV and Deep Rivers   LINKS HELP JAM   CanaryCry.Report Submissions Tyler B, Jen   REMINDERS Clankoniphius   SHOW NOTES Podcast = T - 5:57 from D-live HELLO, RUN DOWN 8:43 V / 2:46 P BIBLICAL/BEAST SYSTEM 10:14 V / 4:17 P Nigerian Lawyer Unveils ‘‘Queen Of Revelation 12’’, Rapture Date (NigerDeltaToday) Note: Revelation 12   DAY JINGLE/PERSONAL/EXEC. 18:57 V / 13:00 P   FLIPPY 36:04 V / 32:07 P The robotic basketball hoop ready to test your free throw skills (Mashable) → Meet the basketball-shooting robot that will take over the NBA (2021, Yahoo Sports)   TRANSHUMAN 52:00 V / 46:03 P ‘Woke’ pastor compares plight of trans community to Jesus, Holocaust (NY Post)   William Whitworth, 19, arrested for planning mass shooting (NY Post)  → Teen accused of plotting to attack former school (KUSA) → “Target churches”   Male powerlifter enters women’s event, breaks record (NY Post) → Androgyny/Hermaphroditism: Hebrew Bible (2016, Linfield University) → Transgender Patients: Calculating the Actual Cost (2017, First Report)   PARTY TIME: http://CANARYCRY.PARTY 1:30:18 V / 1:24:21 P BREAK 1: TREASURE: *** Nephilim Penguin Tattoo challenge 1:36:29 V / 1:30:32 P   BEING WATCHED/PANDEMIC SPECIAL 1:42:37 V / 1:36:40 P Woman with untreated TB on the Lam (Ars Technica)   VR 1:57:34 V / 1:52:37 P VR has Utterly FAILED to Connect with Teens (Futurism)   Next generation of 3D virtual reality is here and won’t require a headset (StudyFinds) →Tech advance paves way to more realistic 3D holograms for VR and more ( → Note: BlueBeam BREAK 3: TALENT 2:11:00 V / 2:05:03 P   NEPHILIM UPDATE 2:20:03 V / 2:14:06 P Underneath: Children of the Sun (Film Threat)   BREAK 4: TIME 2:26:34 V / 2:20:37 P END

Canary Cry News Talk #610 - 04.07.2023 - Recorded Live to Tape REVELATION QUEEN | Rapture 2233, Trans Inhumanism, Enki Nephilim A Podcast that Deconstructs Mainstream Media News from a Biblical Worldview We Operate Value 4 Value: http://CanaryCry.Support Submit Articles: http://CanaryCry.Report Join Supply Drop: Join the Tee Shirt Council: Resource: Index of MSM Ownership ( Resource: Aliens Demons Doc (feat. Dr. Heiser, Unseen Realm) All the links: http://CanaryCry.Party   This Episode was Produced By: Executive Producers Morgan E***   Producers Benjamin S, Malik W, Tami C, Isaac G, Kelly P, Jacob B, Jordan S, Kalub G, Sir Morv Knight of the Burning Chariots, Sylvan H, Sir LX Protocol V2 Knight of the Berrean Protocol, Dame Gail Canary Whisperer and Lady of X’s and O’s, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, Veronica D, DrWhoDunDat, Sir Scott Knight of Truth   CanaryCry.ART Submissions Sir Dove Knight of Rusbeltia Faelivrin   Microfiction Runksmash - Mike gets more excited learning about the Canarium, but it’s nothing compared to when a mech suit descends from the sky and out steps a samurai, his children, and a mechanical man piloted by a robot arm driven by a smaller robot arm with googly eyes.   Stephen S - US Space Force press briefing, “We suspect we have spotted a probable parent craft in the solar system that might possibly launch  scout crafts which would most likely be too small to identify from our on ground sensors. Hence we need star fighters.”   CLIP PRODUCER Emsworth, FaeLivrin, Joelms, Laura   TIMESTAPERS Jade Bouncerson, Christine C, Pocojo   SOCIAL MEDIA DOERS Dame MissG of the OV and Deep Rivers   LINKS HELP JAM   CanaryCry.Report Submissions Tyler B, Jen   REMINDERS Clankoniphius   SHOW NOTES Podcast = T - 5:57 from D-live HELLO, RUN DOWN 8:43 V / 2:46 P BIBLICAL/BEAST SYSTEM 10:14 V / 4:17 P Nigerian Lawyer Unveils ‘‘Queen Of Revelation 12’’, Rapture Date (NigerDeltaToday) Note: Revelation 12   DAY JINGLE/PERSONAL/EXEC. 18:57 V / 13:00 P   FLIPPY 36:04 V / 32:07 P The robotic basketball hoop ready to test your free throw skills (Mashable) → Meet the basketball-shooting robot that will take over the NBA (2021, Yahoo Sports)   TRANSHUMAN 52:00 V / 46:03 P ‘Woke’ pastor compares plight of trans community to Jesus, Holocaust (NY Post)   William Whitworth, 19, arrested for planning mass shooting (NY Post)  → Teen accused of plotting to attack former school (KUSA) → “Target churches”   Male powerlifter enters women’s event, breaks record (NY Post) → Androgyny/Hermaphroditism: Hebrew Bible (2016, Linfield University) → Transgender Patients: Calculating the Actual Cost (2017, First Report)   PARTY TIME: http://CANARYCRY.PARTY 1:30:18 V / 1:24:21 P BREAK 1: TREASURE: *** Nephilim Penguin Tattoo challenge 1:36:29 V / 1:30:32 P   BEING WATCHED/PANDEMIC SPECIAL 1:42:37 V / 1:36:40 P Woman with untreated TB on the Lam (Ars Technica)   VR 1:57:34 V / 1:52:37 P VR has Utterly FAILED to Connect with Teens (Futurism)   Next generation of 3D virtual reality is here and won’t require a headset (StudyFinds) →Tech advance paves way to more realistic 3D holograms for VR and more ( → Note: BlueBeam BREAK 3: TALENT 2:11:00 V / 2:05:03 P   NEPHILIM UPDATE 2:20:03 V / 2:14:06 P Underneath: Children of the Sun (Film Threat)   BREAK 4: TIME 2:26:34 V / 2:20:37 P END