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Canary Cry News Talk #609 - 04.05.2023 - Recorded Live to Tape FAITH BAIT | Activate Donald Christ, Team NATO, Dimon Dollar Devils, TP Tips  A Podcast that Deconstructs Mainstream Media News from a Biblical Worldview We Operate Value 4 Value: http://CanaryCry.Support Submit Articles: http://CanaryCry.Report Join Supply Drop: Join the Tee Shirt Council: Resource: Index of MSM Ownership ( Resource: Aliens Demons Doc (feat. Dr. Heiser, Unseen Realm) All the links: http://CanaryCry.Party   This Episode was Produced By: Executive Producers Anonymous*** Morgan E***   Producers Isaac G, Jordan S, Kalub G, Sir Morv Knight of the Burning Chariots, Sir LX Protocol V2 Knight of the Berrean Protocol, Dame Gail Canary Whisperer and Lady of X’s and O’s, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, Veronica D, DrWhoDunDat, Sir Scott Knight of Truth   CanaryCry.ART Submissions Sir Dove Knight of Rusbeltia   Microfiction Runksmash - As Carol explains to Mike the aims of the Canarium in this realm of the mind a woman runs past in a wreath of flames, and shouts “Hey Fam, Gail needs us.” And continues along on the streak she’d started not long ago. “That’s just Morgan E.” Says Carol.   Stephen S - In the generalist robot lab of BuyMyTek, sparks fly, smoke engulfs, circuit breakers pop. The chief engineer hurriedly pulls cables and trips switches yelling, “I told you never, ever set up a feed back loop with the Replika girl friend mode!”   CLIP PRODUCER Emsworth, FaeLivrin, Joelms, Laura   TIMESTAPERS Jade Bouncerson, Christine C, Pocojo   SOCIAL MEDIA DOERS Dame MissG of the OV and Deep Rivers   LINKS HELP JAM   CanaryCry.Report Submissions Lily of the Valley, Isaac G   REMINDERS Clankoniphius   SHOW NOTES HELLO, RUN DOWN TRUMP Clip: CNN panel says Indictment is Underwhelming (CNN) Clips: CBS News Political Contributor vs Republican strategist (CBS)    CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST Trump Arrest Prompts Jesus Comparisons: 'Spiritual Warfare’ (USA News) Inside Trump’s Demands for High-Profile Surrender: ‘…Jesus Christ Thing’ (Rolling Stone) Clip: MTG mentions Trump and Jesus comparison  Tweet: Trump Jesus comparison DAY JINGLE/PERSONAL/EXEC.   FLIPPY Using Digital Puppetry to Control a Robot Arm (   WW3 China: US Speaker confirms meeting with Taiwan's Tsai despite China warnings (BBC) NATO got tanks, jets, and tons of artillery after Finland joins alliance (Yahoo/Business Insider) Why Finland's NATO Membership Doesn't Help Ukraine (Newsweek)   MONEY/BBB/CLIMATE CHANGE/EPSTEIN Clip: Trump Mar-a-lago speech post Court Hearing, US Dollar  Clip: Janet Yellen clearly states Infrastructure Bill is Climate monetary opportunity JP Morgan chief says, Seize property to build wind and solar farms (Telegraph) Epstein: Bankers joked about Epstein’s relationship with young girls, filings claim (Telegraph)   PARTY TIME: http://CANARYCRY.PARTY BREAK 1: TREASURE:   AI/CLIMATE CHANGE Mind Control: Married father commits suicide after by AI chatbot encouragement (NY Post) Bill Gates: Bill Gates says calls to pause AI won't 'solve challenges’ (Reuters)   CALLED IT → America Pausing AI Sparks Concerns About China Making Gains (Newsweek)   BREAK 3: TALENT   ANTARCTICA Just how much toilet paper do you need for a trip to Antarctica (Bloomberg/Hindustan Times)   BREAK 4: TIME END

Canary Cry News Talk #609 - 04.05.2023 - Recorded Live to Tape FAITH BAIT | Activate Donald Christ, Team NATO, Dimon Dollar Devils, TP Tips  A Podcast that Deconstructs Mainstream Media News from a Biblical Worldview We Operate Value 4 Value: http://CanaryCry.Support Submit Articles: http://CanaryCry.Report Join Supply Drop: Join the Tee Shirt Council: Resource: Index of MSM Ownership ( Resource: Aliens Demons Doc (feat. Dr. Heiser, Unseen Realm) All the links: http://CanaryCry.Party   This Episode was Produced By: Executive Producers Anonymous*** Morgan E***   Producers Isaac G, Jordan S, Kalub G, Sir Morv Knight of the Burning Chariots, Sir LX Protocol V2 Knight of the Berrean Protocol, Dame Gail Canary Whisperer and Lady of X’s and O’s, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, Veronica D, DrWhoDunDat, Sir Scott Knight of Truth   CanaryCry.ART Submissions Sir Dove Knight of Rusbeltia   Microfiction Runksmash - As Carol explains to Mike the aims of the Canarium in this realm of the mind a woman runs past in a wreath of flames, and shouts “Hey Fam, Gail needs us.” And continues along on the streak she’d started not long ago. “That’s just Morgan E.” Says Carol.   Stephen S - In the generalist robot lab of BuyMyTek, sparks fly, smoke engulfs, circuit breakers pop. The chief engineer hurriedly pulls cables and trips switches yelling, “I told you never, ever set up a feed back loop with the Replika girl friend mode!”   CLIP PRODUCER Emsworth, FaeLivrin, Joelms, Laura   TIMESTAPERS Jade Bouncerson, Christine C, Pocojo   SOCIAL MEDIA DOERS Dame MissG of the OV and Deep Rivers   LINKS HELP JAM   CanaryCry.Report Submissions Lily of the Valley, Isaac G   REMINDERS Clankoniphius   SHOW NOTES HELLO, RUN DOWN TRUMP Clip: CNN panel says Indictment is Underwhelming (CNN) Clips: CBS News Political Contributor vs Republican strategist (CBS)    CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST Trump Arrest Prompts Jesus Comparisons: 'Spiritual Warfare’ (USA News) Inside Trump’s Demands for High-Profile Surrender: ‘…Jesus Christ Thing’ (Rolling Stone) Clip: MTG mentions Trump and Jesus comparison  Tweet: Trump Jesus comparison DAY JINGLE/PERSONAL/EXEC.   FLIPPY Using Digital Puppetry to Control a Robot Arm (   WW3 China: US Speaker confirms meeting with Taiwan's Tsai despite China warnings (BBC) NATO got tanks, jets, and tons of artillery after Finland joins alliance (Yahoo/Business Insider) Why Finland's NATO Membership Doesn't Help Ukraine (Newsweek)   MONEY/BBB/CLIMATE CHANGE/EPSTEIN Clip: Trump Mar-a-lago speech post Court Hearing, US Dollar  Clip: Janet Yellen clearly states Infrastructure Bill is Climate monetary opportunity JP Morgan chief says, Seize property to build wind and solar farms (Telegraph) Epstein: Bankers joked about Epstein’s relationship with young girls, filings claim (Telegraph)   PARTY TIME: http://CANARYCRY.PARTY BREAK 1: TREASURE:   AI/CLIMATE CHANGE Mind Control: Married father commits suicide after by AI chatbot encouragement (NY Post) Bill Gates: Bill Gates says calls to pause AI won't 'solve challenges’ (Reuters)   CALLED IT → America Pausing AI Sparks Concerns About China Making Gains (Newsweek)   BREAK 3: TALENT   ANTARCTICA Just how much toilet paper do you need for a trip to Antarctica (Bloomberg/Hindustan Times)   BREAK 4: TIME END

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