Andrew, Dave, Gavin, and Pierre are on the panel to discuss a covid and firearms. Some of the guys participated in an invitational shotgun match, spoiler Dave won. Ontario is changing the Vax Pass rules to require QR codes. Ontario and BC are racing to the most ridiculous Covid Christmas rules. Cabelas accidentally sold the spiciest 7.62 ammo. Ministerial mandate letters were released, and unsurprisingly the Public Safety Minister will be focusing his efforts on legal gun owners. 


Hello to all you patriots out there in podcast land and welcome to Episode 328 of Canadian Patriot Podcast. The number one book and rifle podcast in Canada. Recorded Dec 20, 2021.

Andrew Gavin Dave Pierre

We’d love to hear your feedback about the show. Please visit or email us at [email protected]

A version of the show is Available on Stitcher at and iTunes and iTunes at

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What are we drinking

Andrew - Shakespeare Brewing Gingerbread Pale Ale
Gavin - Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye & Diet Pepsi
Pierre - Canadian Whisky
Dave- Faxe

Patriot Challenge

We’re asking patriots to do 5 things everyday;

Exercise for at least 45 minutes Practice a skill for at least 10 minutes Read a book for at least 15 minutes Drink at least 2 liters of water Complete 1 task that will improve your life

Grab the template from our website and post it in your social media

Section 74 Challenges

GoFundMe link…


To get involved email
[email protected]

Action Shotgun recap

Don Did Nothing Wrong Ugly Christmas Sweater Shotgun Shoot


Ontario set to announce stronger COVID-19 measures for proof of vaccination


Ontario slashes gathering sizes for entire province as alarm bells ring over COVID-19 spike

From September 2020  10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors for at least the next 28 days The previous gathering limits were 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors. 10-person social circle - what is this and when did it start? does not apply to places of worship or wedding ceremonies fines of up to $10,000 for anyone who organizes a private gathering that exceeds the limits

Here's What You Need To Know About Ontario's New COVID-19 Restrictions Starting This Weekend

Bars, restaurants, meeting or event spaces and strip clubs that serve food and drinks like a restaurant will be required to close by 11 p.m. each night Singing and dancing in restaurants, bars and select settings won't be allowed except for workers or performers. The sale of alcohol will be restricted after 10 p.m. and the consumption of alcohol in businesses or settings will be restricted after 11 p.m. At concert venues, theatres and cinemas, people have to stay seated. Food and/or drink services will not be permitted at indoor sporting events, concert venues, theatres, cinemas, casinos, bingo halls, other gaming establishments, horse racing tracks, car racing tracks and other similar venues. 


B.C. enacts social gathering and event capacity limits as Omicron variant spreads

Starting Dec 20 indoor gatherings will be restricted to one household plus 10 other individuals or one additional household if everyone is vaccinated against COVID-19. Proof of vaccination via the BC Vaccine Card will be required for all organized events. Restaurants will, however, be able to operate at full capacity without any restrictions on alcohol service or hours of operation. At larger venues, those with 1,000 seats or more, capacity will be set at 50 per cent and enforcement of mask requirements and QR-code checking will be enhanced. Sports tournaments will be cancelled through the holidays to the end of January. All organized events for New Year’s Eve are cancelled


New Brunswick backtracks on vaccine passports for grocery stores


Cabelas 7.62x39 Chinese Surplus Ammo Recall

Meme tier announcement 


Public Safety Mandate letter

Book Club

December Small-Unit Leaders' Guide to Counterinsurgency: The Official U.S. Marine Corps Manual USMC

January The True North Tradecraft Disaster Preparedness Guide: A Primer on Urban and Suburban Disaster Preparedness Boris Milinkovich


We’re on discord now

Pierre - Off The Wall Customizing on facebook and instagram and email [email protected]

Andrew -

Visit us at

We value your opinions so please visit or email us at [email protected] and let us know what you think.

Apologies to Rod Giltaca

Remember “You are the True North Strong and Free”