Previous Episode: CP326 - Space Camp

This week Andrew, Gavin, and Pierre are on the panel. The topic is guns, lots of guns. A bill is introduced to reduce mandatory minimums for gun crimes, Montreal gangs use CERB to buy illegal pistols, parliament forms a committee to study gun trafficking, no new details have emerged 2 months after the police shooting of gun smith Rodger Kotanko.


Hello to all you patriots out there in podcast land and welcome to Episode 327 of Canadian Patriot Podcast. The number one book and rifle podcast in Canada. Recorded Dec 13, 2021.

Andrew Gavin Pierre

We’d love to hear your feedback about the show. Please visit or email us at [email protected]

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What are we drinking

Andrew - Highlander Smoked Porter

Gavin - Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye & Diet Pepsi

Pierre - forty creek

Patriot Challenge

We’re asking patriots to do 5 things everyday;

Exercise for at least 45 minutes Practice a skill for at least 10 minutes Read a book for at least 15 minutes Drink at least 2 liters of water Complete 1 task that will improve your life

Grab the template from our website and post it in your social media

Section 74 Challenges

GoFundMe link…


To get involved email
[email protected]


Liberals table bill that would repeal mandatory minimums for some drug, gun crimes

Bill C-5 based on previous Bill C-22 1 day after 32 anniversary of the Ecole Polytechnique massacre This is all to address systemic racism MMPs would be repealed for 14 offences in the Criminal Code. 13 are weapons or firearms


LILLEY: Gangsters, guns and CERB a real headache for Trudeau Liberals


House unanimously passes Quebec MP motion to set up parliamentary committee to study gun trafficking


Toronto police officer who shot renowned gunsmith won't talk to SIU


Gunsmith's family appeals to mysterious 'customer’ who witnessed shooting


Book Club

December Small-Unit Leaders' Guide to Counterinsurgency: The Official U.S. Marine Corps Manual USMC

January The True North Tradecraft Disaster Preparedness Guide: A Primer on Urban and Suburban Disaster Preparedness Boris Milinkovich


We’re on discord now

Pierre - Off The Wall Customizing on facebook and instagram and email [email protected]

Andrew -

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We value your opinions so please visit or email us at [email protected] and let us know what you think.


Apologies to Rod Giltaca

Remember “You are the True North Strong and Free”