Some parents are invigorated by their children, some are alienated. But, they all think about them, love them, and want to like them. Faced with distressed children, parents often lose their compass. They search for a path that will help them understand and get to know their children better. Quite often misbehaviors are the beacon to a child’s emotional struggles. Parents ask, "Why does my child behave that way?" When parents understand that there are meanings behind these behaviors, underlying problems are revealed, and solutions naturally follow as parents and child grow together.
My plan is to help parents experience the heightened energy and deep satisfaction that comes with becoming meaning-makers empowered to read their child’s actions by unlocking their Parental Intelligence.

Laurie Hollman, Ph.D. is a psychoanalyst with specialized clinical training in infant-parent, child, adolescent and adult psychotherapy, a unique practice that covers the life span. She is an expert on mental disorders such as how the Narcissistic Personality Disorder impacts both the narcissist and family members including children and marital couples. With this expertise in normal and pathological development, she is particularly adept at empathically guiding couples to build strong relationships, as well as, helping parents and children relate well together in today’s complex family environment. This sensibility helps adults, children, and adolescents understand their own emotional experiences while simultaneously being receptive to others’ points of view.

Groove Grove by Kevin MacLeod