Uhhhhhhhh, *checks notes* what was the episode about again???

Dr. What's His Nuts continues taking a huge-ass amount of flack from Megatron. Sparkplug says Pessimist Prime is your dad now. Shockwave is seriously slacking off in his role as 'literally the only guy on Cybertron'.

Oh, and Skyfire is here. I guess.

Joe was sort of hoping for a better effort from the Dinobots (Like saying anything? Literally one single thing?) and Kristen loves this wrench more than her own son.

Follow Joe (@awktapus) and Kristen (@FunnyGirlTM) on Twitter! Email us at [email protected] with questions/comments! CWTA artwork by Madeline (@ignoretherobot) on Twitter.

Check out Kristen's new side project, ASMr/relationships, here!: