I want you close your eyes, (unless you’re driving in which case keep them wide open!) and picture yourself sitting on a sandy beach sipping on a cocktail looking out at the perfectly blue peaceful ocean. You are married to the person of your dreams. You have beautiful children. You are in great physical shape. You have just sold your business to a multi Billion dollar fortune 500 company …. and yet … you sit there … feeling empty inside. Something is missing but you don’t know what it is …

Well my guest today knows that feeling all too well.

Laura Coe climbed the mountain of proverbial success only to find that when she reached the top she felt like jumping off.

Laura is today the ‘queen of authenticity’ and author of ‘emotional obesity’, a book that will make you re-think what to focus your life on.

She is dedicated to helping people unlock their authentic voice to find success and meaning in everyday life using practical techniques steeped in ancient wisdom.


What you will learn:

How to feel fulfilled

How to deal with Stress

How to deal with your fears

How to overcome ‘imposter syndrome’

How to know if you are emotionally healthy

How to know if you should be doing something or not


Interesting highlights:

Laura grew her company to $5 million and sold it to a $4 Billion fortune 500 company

Laura walked away from an executive position at a fortune 500 company

Laura created a scale to test how emotionally healthy you are

Laura’s #1 practical advice: 

Don't chase the money, chase your passionTweet This

Wanna pick Laura’s brain?  https://www.facebook.com/groups/canipickyourbrain (Join my exclusive FB group now)!

Resources & Links:

https://lauracoe.com/ (Laura’s website)

http://emotionalobesity.com (Emotional Obesity website)

http://emotionalobesity.com/scale_quiz/emotional-obesity/ (Emotional Health Scale )

Thank You for Listening!
I would like to personally thank you for listening to my podcast.  If you enjoyed today’s show, please share it with others. Just click on the social buttons below.

Also, if youhttps://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/can-i-pick-your-brain/id1076916148?mt=2 ( leave a review for my podcast on iTunes), you would be joining me on my mission to help as many people as I can become really successful.

And finally if you haven’t already subscribed https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/can-i-pick-your-brain/id1076916148?mt=2 (please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes), so you can get automatic updates whenever another episode goes live!


I want you close your eyes, (unless you’re driving in which case keep them wide open!) and picture yourself sitting on a sandy beach sipping on a cocktail looking out at the perfectly blue peaceful ocean. You are married to the person of your dreams. You have beautiful children. You are in great physical shape. You have just sold your business to a multi Billion dollar fortune 500 company …. and yet … you sit there … feeling empty inside. Something is missing but you don’t know what it is …

Well my guest today knows that feeling all too well.

Laura Coe climbed the mountain of proverbial success only to find that when she reached the top she felt like jumping off.

Laura is today the ‘queen of authenticity’ and author of ‘emotional obesity’, a book that will make you re-think what to focus your life on.

She is dedicated to helping people unlock their authentic voice to find success and meaning in everyday life using practical techniques steeped in ancient wisdom.


What you will learn:

How to feel fulfilled
How to deal with Stress
How to deal with your fears
How to overcome ‘imposter syndrome’
How to know if you are emotionally healthy
How to know if you should be doing something or not

Interesting highlights:

Laura grew her company to $5 million and sold it to a $4 Billion fortune 500 company
Laura walked away from an executive position at a fortune 500 company
Laura created a scale to test how emotionally healthy you are

Laura’s #1 practical advice: 

Don't chase the money, chase your passionTweet This

Wanna pick Laura’s brain?  Join my exclusive FB group now!

Resources & Links:

Laura’s website
Emotional Obesity website
Emotional Health Scale 

Thank You for Listening!

I would like to personally thank you for listening to my podcast.  If you enjoyed today’s show, please share it with others. Just click on the social buttons below.

Also, if you leave a review for my podcast on iTunes, you would be joining me on my mission to help as many people as I can become really successful.

And finally if you haven’t already subscribed please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes, so you can get automatic updates whenever another episode goes live!
