Have you wondered how you can use Instagram to grow your business?

The truth is I had no idea what Instagram was until my wife started taking millions of pictures and doing weird things like adding filters and hashtags to them!
In fact I blame Instagram for stealing my wife from me and my children! However after some time I started using it myself as it seemed like a way to build an audience and gain brand awareness.
In all honesty I’m still very confused and so I thought it would be a great idea to get someone on my show who could explain the mystery of it all once and for all and who could be better than the Instagram ‘Expert’ Sue B Zimmerman!


What you will learn:

How you can make money doing what you love

Why Sue decided to become an Instagram ‘Expert’

What’s with the naked pictures on Instagram

How to #hashtag your way to success

How to make money using Instagram

What kind of images you should be posting on Instagram

Should you have a separate personal/Business account

How often should you post on instagram

Interesting highlights:

Sue built her first Million Dollar Business by the age of 22 selling Art on Boxer Shorts!

Sue built 18 businesses in total

Sue shares her favorite Apps for Instagram


Sue’s #1 practical advice: 

“Make money doing what you love ”Tweet This

Resources & Links:

https://suebzimmerman.com/about-us/ (What Sue Does)

https://suebzimmerman.com/rsg/ (Ready Set Gram)

 Don’t forget to take the challenge! #SueBMadeMeDoIt
Get in touch with Sue on Instagram: @TheInstagramExpert

Thank You for Listening!
I would like to personally thank you for listening to my podcast.  If you enjoyed today’s show, please share it with others. Just click on the social buttons below.

Also, if youhttps://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/can-i-pick-your-brain/id1076916148?mt=2 ( leave a review for my podcast on iTunes), you would be joining me on my mission to help as many people as I can become really successful.

And finally if you haven’t already subscribed https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/can-i-pick-your-brain/id1076916148?mt=2 (please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes), so you can get automatic updates whenever another episode goes live!

Have you wondered how you can use Instagram to grow your business?

The truth is I had no idea what Instagram was until my wife started taking millions of pictures and doing weird things like adding filters and hashtags to them!

In fact I blame Instagram for stealing my wife from me and my children! However after some time I started using it myself as it seemed like a way to build an audience and gain brand awareness.

In all honesty I’m still very confused and so I thought it would be a great idea to get someone on my show who could explain the mystery of it all once and for all and who could be better than the Instagram ‘Expert’ Sue B Zimmerman!


What you will learn:

How you can make money doing what you love
Why Sue decided to become an Instagram ‘Expert’
What’s with the naked pictures on Instagram
How to #hashtag your way to success
How to make money using Instagram
What kind of images you should be posting on Instagram
Should you have a separate personal/Business account
How often should you post on instagram

Interesting highlights:

Sue built her first Million Dollar Business by the age of 22 selling Art on Boxer Shorts!
Sue built 18 businesses in total
Sue shares her favorite Apps for Instagram


Sue’s #1 practical advice: 

“Make money doing what you love ”Tweet This

Resources & Links:

What Sue Does
Ready Set Gram

 Don’t forget to take the challenge! #SueBMadeMeDoIt
Get in touch with Sue on Instagram: @TheInstagramExpert


Thank You for Listening!

I would like to personally thank you for listening to my podcast.  If you enjoyed today’s show, please share it with others. Just click on the social buttons below.

Also, if you leave a review for my podcast on iTunes, you would be joining me on my mission to help as many people as I can become really successful.

And finally if you haven’t already subscribed please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes, so you can get automatic updates whenever another episode goes live!
