In this solo episode I talk about

Why you should start your own podcast

How my podcast has changed my life

How having a podcast will help you build your network

How a podcast will get you more clients

Why podcasting is the number one way to market your business

How you can land major speaking gigs with a podcast

How having a podcast will get you major brand exposure

Enjoy the show!

Daniel’s #1 practical advice:

Launch your own podcast show!Tweet This
Resources & Links: (Launch Your Podcast) (The Self Help Addict) (My book) (Gefen Media Group) (My company)


Did you enjoy this episode? Then please (subscribe to my podcast on iTunes), so you can get automatic updates whenever another episode goes live (and you will be helping me get to #1 on iTunes!)

In this solo episode I talk about

Why you should start your own podcast
How my podcast has changed my life
How having a podcast will help you build your network
How a podcast will get you more clients
Why podcasting is the number one way to market your business
How you can land major speaking gigs with a podcast
How having a podcast will get you major brand exposure

Enjoy the show!

Daniel’s #1 practical advice:

Launch your own podcast show!Tweet This

Resources & Links:

Launch Your Podcast

The Self Help Addict (My book)

Gefen Media Group (My company)


Did you enjoy this episode? Then please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes, so you can get automatic updates whenever another episode goes live (and you will be helping me get to #1 on iTunes!)