Colby College in Maine is investing $30 million to create the Davis Institute for Artificial Intelligence, the first cross-disciplinary institute for AI at a liberal arts institution. Among its goals: to democratize AI, moving it beyond the realm of large universities and technology companies to transform teaching, learning and research in a wide variety of disciplines. Yet it’s not just about how AI can inform the liberal arts, according to Amanda Stent, inaugural director of the Davis Institute. It’s also about how a liberal arts perspective can bring about a better understanding of whether, how, and in what ways the use of AI can benefit — or harm — our society. In this episode of the podcast, we talk about the most critical AI skills for students, the ethics behind AI algorithms, what you should ask yourself about the AI tools you allow into your home, and more.

Resource links:

Davis Institute for Artificial Intelligence at Colby College

Music: Mixkit

Duration: 27 minutes
