This episode of Camera Ready & Abel is brought to you by the phrase Write Your Dream Role, an action at the heart of creating opportunity. A core principle of being camera ready.

My guest for this episode is Emily Grace - a career coach and Sundance award-winning actress - who lives the mantra:

Why wait? Don't ask for permission. Go do.

Because that's what Emily did. She learned hard lessons as an actor going from making a big splash to fizzle and went on a mission to figure out how the industry actually works, identify what she didn't know and needed to learn and create her own success.

7 Key Takeaways:      

The hardest part of getting started is getting started
Take the first step – even if it’s in the wrong direction because you’ll gain clarity and valuable information
You can create something out of nothing
You really don’t know what you don’t know so find a coach, take a class, read books, study
Get out of The Frustration Loop by asking for help
Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Issa Rae are inspiring case studies of people who wrote their dream roles to success
An essential part of building relationships is following up


Emily explains how she got her first lead in a film without an agent (25:14)

Learn more about Emily’s programs

Write Your Dream Role  

Short Film Digital Lab

Reach out and connect with Emily on her Instagram @theonlyemilygrace.