Winners don’t wing it, they prepare for it!

I believe this so much it's tip #12 in my 12 Tips for Success On-Camera (and off)

Here to join me for a rollicking conversation about how preparation makes and breaks careers is the legendary talent manager, casting director, media trainer and CEO of Become A Host, the premier TV hosting Academy, Marki Costello.

Marki pulls back the curtain on how TV really gets made, what executives are really looking for, how and why one of the secrets to billionaires' success is they prepare (!) and how that mindset is what sets talent with sustainable careers apart from everybody else. 

She pulls no punches: Are you prepared to walk in the room and kick ass? Are you prepared for the constant changes in the industry? 

Oh, and she's hilarious. 

Her 3 Rs: Reveal - Relatable - Ratings are GOLD.

Marki is the granddaughter of Hollywood royalty, the great comedic talent, Lou Costello, and got her start in the industry working on Chuck Barris', The Gong Show. She has media trained dozens of a-listers like Kelly Clarkson, Ceelo Green, and Michael Strahan. She is the author of Become a Host: the Insight Secrets used by every successful television host and was the star of her own reality series, the Drama Queen on E!

Follow Marki on instagram and learn about classes and bootcamps at