Being on message means saying things that agree with the official position of a political party, organization, business, or brand…and most importantly, being true to your own message!

My guest for this episode, Johanna Maska, is an expert bar none on the how and why of being On Message.

Johanna shaped the message and image of Barack Obama, beginning with the Iowa caucuses in 2007, all the way through being White House Director of Press advance until 2015, and recently launched her podcast, Press Advance, which debuted in the top ten and is getting rave reviews from both Democrats and Republicans.

Johanna lives the motto of the first Obama campaign: Respect, Empower, Include and says the message of her podcast is listening - listening to really smart people who I disagree with or who I agree with, but it's listening and trying to figure out how in this moment we actually press advance to tackle the big issues that really matter.

More takeaways:

open your heart and mind to other perspectives and points of view, especially those you disagree with
hold space to let others speak for themselves
pay attention to the news that actually matters (even if you have to search for it)
intention: always try to do better
understand the difference between opinions and facts
don't be afraid to break some eggs!

Johanna is the CEO of Global Situation Room - a highly respected public relations firm - and is a political contributor to NewsNation, appearing frequently on their 5pm (eastern) program, The Hill.

Listen to Press Advance

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