This mini episode is brought to you by the phrase, Measure Your Inchstones, which was a gem that Angela Marie Hutchinson shared with me on her episode of this podcast.

We all know about milestones, even if we forget to mark them. A milestone is defined as an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development. Angela opened my eyes to the beauty and power of measuring your inchstones, the small, incremental essential steps you take daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly that move you forward in a meaningful way toward achieving your goals.

Focus on this: Progress is success.

I hope you enjoy this reminder as much as I did!

Angela Marie Hutchinson is a showrunner, screenwriter, producer, television host, working mom and former talent agent. Want to hear more of her insights?!

READ her book, Create Your Yes-

WATCH her TEDx talk, Create Your Own Yes, When You Keep Hearing No-

LISTEN to her full Camera Ready & Abel episode-