I used to think sales was a dirty word, especially when it came to selling myself and my services. I know I'm not alone in this, which is why I am excited about this episode with Aleasha Bahr who shares everything you need to know about sales. 

We're all in sales - whether you're selling yourself to an employer in an audition or job interview or pitching your idea to a network or for financing or trying to get your boss or team to buy into your idea. 

Aleasha is a woman in a male-dominated industry who is calling out the common lies in sales - primarily, that sales is a one-size-fits-all proposition and that you have to do things that feel “weird” or "yucky" and out of alignment to close the deal.

Aleasha says embrace the Black Sheep Sales Method instead:

Find your tribe and thrive (because if it's a fit, it's a fact)
Ask yourself: what are better questions I could be asking?
Put yourselves in your customer's shoes (empathy)
Focus on what makes your customer's life better/easier
Customize your pitch to motivate your customer
Prioritize building relationships and you naturally sell yourself
Try different approaches to see what works best for you
Be mindful of reputation management

Try this action step: I am going to innovate my approach to pitching myself by innovating my approach to ______ (fill in the blank). Aleasha explains how around 25 minutes into the episode.

Learn How to Sell Like a Natural via Aleasha's Sales is NOT a Dirty Word podcast + so much more on Aleasha's website including how you can work with her.

Listen to Aleasha and me discuss How to Stand Out in a Saturated World.