From birth it's estimated we hear the word no 400x per day. It's amazing we try anything new because that's a lot of negative and limiting conditioning. In this episode, the dynamic polymath, Angela Marie Hutchinson, explains the life skill I wish I'd learned a lot sooner: How to redirect your no's to Create Your Yes. 

Angela, who is a showrunner, screenwriter, producer, television host, working mom and former talent agent, created this actionable 12-step strategy for success based on her TEDx talk Create Your Own Yes, When You Keep Hearing No.

Her advice is both inspiring and practical. My key takeaways are:

Progress is success
Track your success and look for patterns so you can replicate what works for you
Measure your inchstones instead of the milestones
Get unstuck by showing up and being generous
Don't just look ahead - use your peripheral vision too

For nearly a decade, Angela has produced a diverse portfolio with her media company, BiH Entertainment. She also works as a career coach, public speaker and business consultant. Angela’s clients call her The Dream Builder. In 2005, Angela founded BReaKiNG iNTo HoLLyWooD, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that helps entertainment professionals pursue their careers. Repped at The Gersh Agency, Angela is actively developing and producing numerous projects with active development deals at a top production company. Angela is also the creator and executive producer of the 2021 Facebook Watch series, “Asking for a Friend,” hosted by Vanessa Simmons. As a filmmaker, Angela wrote, produced and cast the feature film, “Hollywood Chaos,” also starring Vanessa Simmons. Angela has been recognized as a media and arts trailblazer by the U.S. Congress, Los Angeles mayor and Los Angeles city council.

Follow Angela on Instagram and Twitter at @livewithangela and check out her work at

For more insights on how to work through no's listen to producer Dave Noll's epsiode on positivity. In Dave's experience, it takes 29 no's to get to your yes.

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