Are you stuck? Let me remind you that by not taking an action, you are committing to the action of staying still. When you're not making the decision to move forward, you're making the decision to stay stuck...

Many times we don't realize the trickiness behind inaction. We may decide not to think about the fact that we are intentionally not moving forward. We think "well, I'm not moving in reverse" and diminish the progress we've already made by not seeing it through to the end.

We are simply not taking action, not moving forward, and not progressing. And in that lack of momentum lies the issue: not taking an action is just as much of an action as if you were taking that next step.

What are you stalling in? Is it creating a course, launching a podcast, building a program? Whether you intentionally realize it or not, by not actively moving forward, you are staying stuck.

Use this episode as the push you need to move forward. Use it as the permission you're seeking to not be perfect. Use it as the validation that what you've built is good enough to be put into the world. Because what you have to say is important. 

There is serious danger in letting go of your momentum and letting your ideas remain unpublished. When you sit on your ideas, they don't have the power to change the world.

Take those ideas and create something with them. Turn those ideas into a thing: whether it's a program, course, podcast, or YouTube series. Don't sit on those brilliant ideas, be brave enough to turn them into something amazing. Because only when you create something does it have the power to change lives.

Here are my suggestions for getting back into action...

First, rediscover your passion for your mission, and your conviction in your message. Really reflect on that word for a moment: conviction. Conviction is when you feel it unwaveringly sure of your message, deep in your bones. Conviction is an unshakable truth that your message is powerful and has to be released into the world.

With that conviction, determine a topic that you feel knowledgeable about. something that you're familiar with that you could talk about all day. Something you're super passionate about. Mine is taking video and the power of storytelling. What's yours?

💥Get Started with your Video Checklist💥

A quick and easy guide to elevating your video content! Print out this checklist before your next video to make sure your Framing, Lighting & Confidence are on point:

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You’ve got to check out my latest IG Reel! 

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💛Get Connected💛

Thank you for listening to the show, let's get connected! You can find me over at Camera Brave on Facebook,  Instagram and Tik Tok. For Podcast inquiries email me at [email protected]. Until next time.