Ever watch a video of someone and love how animated they are? You find yourself thinking "they have so much energy!" Here's the thing: you set the tone for your energy when you take videos. You can intentionally channel and deliver with that similar energy in your own authentic way.

When we watch videos, a lot of time we equal energy to emphasis. Meaning if someone is talking with a lot of EMPHASIS (like that), we think "they have great energy". Versus when we watch a video where someone is mumbling or talking lower pitch. 

Why is this important? The truth is that a low-energy video isn't going to keep your audience's attention like a high-energy video. We have so much content we consume daily, and once we get a little bored or start to check out, we continue scrolling!

You have the power to change the energy you transmit to your audience. Back in Episode 5, I talked about how energy is like an old-school radio. To tune that radio, you'd dial it in, then the frequency you choose is that station that's transmitted to you, the listener. The same goes for video. First, you have to tune it in! You have to find that energy level or "radio station" first. Only then can that level of energy be transmitted through your camera and to your audience.

When it comes to energy levels, we're all different. In reality, we differ daily. You don start all of your days with the same level of energy, and that goes the same for being on-camera. However, there are steps you can follow to be intentional about setting your energy before you push that record button.
The first step is to determine where you lie on the 'Energy Spectrum' by default. What in the what? All I mean by that is to answer this question: Are you typically high energy or low energy naturally?

I am high-energy naturally. I don't have a problem expressing myself through my voice or face. If you talked with me in person, you would see how animated and expressive I am, and that means that I come across on-camera with high energy.

Once you determine where you're at naturally, decide where you want to be on-camera. When you watch back video of yourself, do you wish you had more expression and animation, or less? When I first started watching myself back, I realized I needed to slow it down a little.

Now that you know where you are naturally and where you want to be for your videos, it's time to warm up! This is the crucial step so many people miss, when you intentionally dial-in that old-school radio.

You have to let your oven pre-heat before you can start cooking (too many analogies?)

Give yourself the time and space to start talking, warming up, and being intentional with exactly where you want your energy to be during your video. Warm-up time looks different for everyone. For me, it looks like me sitting in my living room and talking about my content out loud. This is a habit I developed early on in my spokesperson days and had remained the best way for me to iron out my content.

Where you bring confidence, energy will follow.

💥Get Started with your Video Checklist💥

A quick and easy guide to elevating your video content! Print out this checklist before your next video to make sure your Framing, Lighting & Confidence are on point: www.checklist.camerabrave.com

💛Get Connected💛

Thank you for listening to the show, let's get connected! You can find me over at Camera Brave on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok. For Podcast inquiries email me at [email protected]. Until next time.