Today’s conversation is with Zuby. Zuby is a rapper, coach, author and podcaster.

Expect to learn about Zuby’s background and hugely varied experiences across so many different facets of life. These all played a leading role to shape the man we see in front of us and get to hear from in this conversation.

Zuby is well known as a free thinker and forthright speaker, and I take this opportunity to understand why this is the case and what personality traits and experiences have led to this ability.

Inevitably, we discuss the last two years and Zuby's social commentary and stance he has taken to critique and question the measures taken in many countries to handle the pandemic. At a time when many commentators appear to be scrambling to be on the sceptical, critical thinking side of the debate, I ask Zuby if he feels vindicated in standing up to the decisions and mandates that have been in place.

Included in this conversation is an analysis of the language used to drive human behaviour, the disregard the Western world has had for how Africa has handled this virus, and the general disregard the elites have had for the general population.

This is a deep dive into Zuby's life story to this point including his rap career, passion for fitness, ability to discuss controversial topics clearly and publicly, and what has enabled him to do all of this without the constraints of cancel culture and challenges with freedom of speech.

Today's podcast is supported by Crypto Glasgow. Founders Donald and Dec have appeared twice on the podcast sharing the principles behind the best performing investment asset of the last 12 months and the inner workings of the Crypto currency market.

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Real Talk with Zuby Podcast




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