Previous Episode: Beware of Deception

Have you ever felt the need to present your evidence in God’s courtroom of prayer? King Hezekiah did in II Kings 18-19, when Sennacherib, the wicked king of Assyria and his even more wicked cup bearer, Rabshakeh, came against him to seize the throne in Judah.

They brought railing taunts and blasphemies against the Lord God of Israel, so Hezekiah took it to prayer, calling out their crimes and presented all the evidence before God.

God heard Hezekiah and confirmed with signs that He would indeed, deliver Judah from the enemy. God sent a death angel and in one night, when the death angel was finished there were 185,000 corpses in the streets and the king and cupbearer were dead.

God knows where the enemy’s abode is, and where he comes in and goes out and He’s well able to judge the matter on our behalf. We mustn't hesitate to be specific about the “crime,” and spread the evidence before Him.